Tá no eBay da Austrália! E a oferta se encerra hoje.
O produto é novo, tá na caixa. Saca só a descrição:
1 surplus box of SOA. We ordered five boxes of SOA for a recent project and only used four. Unopened and ready for use. Comes with standard warrenty. Please note:
- although this is shipped in a DELL box, it is not a DELL SOA. Original manufacturer is unclear, however the four boxes we've consumed seem to work just fine.
- not compatible with a TIBCO
- Beautifully presented, light blue green in colour
If you are middle management looking for quick wins with your IT team, then this is definately the product for you....imagine the faces of your co-workers as you present this box of SOA at the next board meeting. And tell them you got it for less than $500 and you'll be laughing all the way to the CEOs chair. Be the envy of all and instantly earn the respect of the IT techno-weenies down in the basement.
Order it now and we'll throw in the optional Microsoft adapter for free.
Esta semana saiu no The Project Management Podcast um podcast sobre Gerenciamentos de Projeto e SOA.
12/18/2006 1:30 PM
acho que na sta. ifigênia você encontraria um precinho bem mais camarada...rs!!!!
12/18/2006 3:16 PM
A gente deve achar caixinhas assim em qq barraca de camelô minimamente decente de Sampa. kkk...
Deve ficar do lado dos CD's e DVD's de KM (Gestão de Conhecimentos) e BI (Inteligência Corporativa). É só procurar com calma que acha. Por R$ 20 o DVD!
Paulo Vasconcellos
12/18/2006 3:48 PM
Eu já achei até módulos do SAP em camelôs aqui de Sampa...é mole?!
12/18/2006 8:59 PM