
Graffiti \Graf*fi"ti\, s.m.
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Mr Bill 'Shit' Gates tentou explicar que não chamou de 'comunistas' as pessoas que defendem 'direitos autorais' mais inteligentes. Deu uma entrevista pro Gizmodo.

Na parte do "veja bem", ficou assim:

Gizmodo: When you talked to CNet (I believe that was yesterday), you sort of ticked off some of the blog world with some of the comments... a specific comment that was made, about some of the IP advocates—people that are advocating more... not necessarily open source, but Creative Commons and things like that. A less restrictive IP environment. You made an analogy and called them "communist."

Do you feel that's necessarily a fair judgment to make, to call those people 'communists,' as opposed to someone who adopts DRM as maybe... a 'capitalist?' (I don't know what you're thinking the opposite would be).

Gates: No, no, no. I didn't say those people were 'communists.' I did say that they're...

Aí tem todo um blá blá blá sobre o DRM (Digital Rights Management), que termina assim:

Gizmodo: I think that's a little close to, 'Think of the children.' I understand what you're saying, but just because, 'medical records, it's good to have a password on them' doesn't necessarily mean that when it comes to music or the things that I purchase that that's also a good thing. I think it all comes down to what it is you're actually paying for.

Gates: All we're doing is putting it in the platform. So I'm just saying, can you criticize us for having a platform that allows bits—bits, just bits; not music, not movies, not medical records, not tech things—to have any usage restriction for bits. Are we doing a disfavor to the world at large by saying some of our users, when they choose to—maybe for medical records—they can limit the accessibility of those bits?

Gizmodo: I think setting up the platform? No, it's not inherently bad. But I think it does depend on what it is that you're protecting. But I think we just disagree.

Gates: No, I actually don't think we disagree.

Vou voltar 10 anos no tempo. Vou apelar prá Nicholas Negroponte de novo!!

Mr Gates, um bit de música é diferente de 1 bit de um registro médico que é diferente de qualquer bit deste post!!! A ignorância em se tratar bits como sendo uma coisa só é perdoável na tolinha indústria de telco. Mas um produtor de bits (de alto valor agregado) não pode ser míope assim!!

Por enquanto vemos que de 3 a 6mb de "música" tá valendo algo em torno de US$0,99 (preço do iTunes). Até quando? Pq o CD do U2 custa R$40 e uma coletânea do 'Kaká & Rubão' vale R$5? E quanto vc pagaria por tão mal traçadas linhas? E quanto vc pagaria pelo sigilo de sua ficha médica?

ps: Tecnicamente falando, um bit só pode ser 0 ou 1. Ainda não enlouqueci, se é q vcs me entendem...

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