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A McKinsey acabou de divulgar um artigo comparando China e Índia (vc deve ser membro para acessar o artigo. É gratuito). Conclui que os provedores de serviços de TI chineses ainda estão muito distantes do nível indiano. Saca só:

To compete effectively in global outsourcing, China's software industry must consolidate. The top ten IT-services companies have only about a 20 percent share of the market, compared with the 45 percent commanded by India's top ten. Furthermore, China has about 8,000 software-services providers, and almost three-quarters of them have fewer than 50 employees. No company has emerged from this crowded pack; indeed, only 5 have more than 2,000 employees. India, on the other hand, has fewer than 3,000 software-services companies. Of these, at least 15 have more than 2,000 workers, and some—including Infosys Technologies, Tata Consultancy Services, and Wipro Technologies—have garnered international recognition and a global clientele.

Without adequate scale, Chinese players are unlikely to attract top international clients. In general, smaller companies are riskier and less reliable partners. They are more vulnerable to the loss of key personnel, may not have the financial muscle to survive for the duration of a project, and often don't have the capacity or breadth to absorb large projects easily. Yet our study shows that only about 12 percent of Chinese software-services providers see mergers, acquisitions, and alliances as a priority (exhibit). Managers in China have little M&A experience, and although the culture tends to favor organic growth, relying on it to counter new competitors isn't realistic. Meanwhile, several Indian companies are considering acquisitions of Chinese firms to expand their operations.

Fragmentation exacerbates the Chinese industry's other problems, including weak process controls and product management. Only 6 of China's 30 largest software companies are certified at levels five or four of the capability-maturity model (CMM);3 by contrast, all of the top 30 Indian software companies have achieved these rankings. About a quarter of the Chinese companies we surveyed are trying to implement the CMM quality standards, but more than half of the companies in the survey said that such efforts weren't necessary, feasible, or worthwhile.

Chinese software-services providers will also have to manage their talent much better. Most do little to develop their employees, and very few use stock options, training programs, or other incentives to build talent. Among the companies in our sample, annual employee turnover was about 20 percent, compared with an average of 14 percent in the United States, which itself has a very fluid IT labor market. Scale would help—larger companies tend to attract more interesting projects, provide better training opportunities, and offer more generous incentives. All make it easier to attract and retain workers with valuable technical and linguistic skills.

With greater size and an improved talent base, Chinese software-services companies will be in a better position to address other issues, such as building credible brands in international markets and developing knowledge of specific industries, including finance and pharmaceuticals. Organizational and operational changes are also needed to protect the intellectual property of clients. Last, most companies will have to abandon their project-based mentality and adopt a new focus on giving clients long-term value.

Qq semelhança com a realidade tupiniquim é coincidência (guardadas as devidas proporções, obviamente). E olha que pegamos o bonde muito antes dos chineses!

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