
Graffiti \Graf*fi"ti\, s.m.
desenhos ou palavras feitos
em locais públicos. 
Aqui eles têm a intenção de 
provocar papos sobre TI e afins.

O Graffiti mudou!

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A confusão (99% jurídica e 1% técnica) no mundo do Software Livre pode custar muito caro (para todo mundo). Analistas esperam que o mercado norte-americano de TI cresça cerca de 5,8% em 2005. Software deve crescer um pouco mais, 6,6%, realizando um total de US$106bi!!

Kevin Bedell, evangelista do mundo do Software Livre, escreveu:

In 2005, the dramatic and continued growth for Linux will be joined hand-in-hand with boosts in other Open Source use, (like Firefox and Open Office, to just name a couple). So, stated simply, Open Source is bound to finally hit the radar of even the most pointy-haired of bosses. Non-technical executives will realize that their companies aren't using nearly as much Open Source as they should.

Once executives realize that incorporating Open Source libraries into their development processes can make development go faster and cost less, the smarter ones will begin asking why they aren't using more of it. And this is a question they should be asking. After all, Open Source applications and programming libraries are usually available at little or no cost and they work really, really well.

Pois é. Pode até ser. Mas acho que os (nós?) evangelistas do mundo OS deveriam(os) começar a debater a babel de licenças. Logo!

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