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Saca só trecho de artigo de hoje do Washington Post:

Leaders of high-tech companies said Tuesday the United States risks losing its competitive edge without significant new investments in education, research and development and the spread of broadband technology.

"The world is changing a little bit, and frankly there is a significant amount of concern that if we don't make some adjustments, follow the right public policies, do some things that are important, we could find ourselves very quickly losing the advantage we've had for so long," Rick White, president and chief executive of high-tech lobby TechNet, said at a press conference.

The Palo Alto, Calif., group represents about 200 high-tech leaders, including Microsoft, Intel Corp., Cisco Systems and Hewlett Packard. TechNet made its annual lobbying trip to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to meet with Cabinet members and congressional leaders.

White and other TechNet officials cited some troubling indications that the United States is falling behind in high-tech development:

-Some 7 percent of U.S. households have broadband access, compared with 30 percent in Korea, 20 percent in Japan and over 10 percent in France.

-U.S. investment in research and development has stayed flat for the last three decades, while it has grown significantly in competitors such as Brazil, India, China and Israel.

-Students in the United States are behind their counterparts in other countries in math and science, and some Asian countries are graduating five times as many engineers.

Amazing!! Investimento de Pindorama em P&D?? Onde? Kd?
Será que eles sabem que empresário de Pindorama pede incentivo fiscal pra investir em P&D? Que fusão aqui é bancada pelo BNDES?

Artigo completo aqui.

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