Join an international coalition of environmental and social justice groups in signing this statement condemning DRM and Vista.
Add your signature in support now!
DRM and Vista are bad for you, the environment, and the public. Join the Green Party, New Internationalist, Friends of the Earth International, People and Planet, the Free Software Foundation, and the DRM Elimination Crew by signing a statement that rejects DRM, Vista, and encourages the adoption of free software.
Vista was engineered from the ground up as a Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) and Treacherous Computing (TC) platform. This makes unnecessarily steep hardware requirements for users. As a result, Microsoft has taken a disposable computer mentality, forcing users to buy new computers if they want to run Vista.
What's worse is that Vista is designed to monitor what people do, and to limit what they can do with digital media files. These limits obstruct common and legally protected uses like sharing news story clips and copying text from government documents.
In solidarity,
Josh, John, Peter and the DRM Elimination Crew.
Viram aquela "feature" que faz a performance da rede cair cerca de 50% quando um media player está sendo executado no Vista? Sabiam que a única explicação técnica para tamanha bizarrice é o draconiano esquema DRM do Vista? Então... não se esqueça:
- DRM é péssima para consumidores
- DRM é um desastre para artistas e gravadoras
- DRM é ruim para toda a sociedade
- DRM está no núcleo do Vista
- DRM é e continuará sendo um pesadelo para a Microsoft
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