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Da InformationWeek, sobre o último relatório financeiro da MS:

"The revenues looks good…but your expenses are more than $2.4 billion more than I estimated....There's something really big here. It sounds like you're building a Google or a Yahoo and Ray Ozzie has said this is really expensive. It looks like you're ramping up your online business and the decision is to take the benefits of next year's product cycle to gear up for a battle in the online market."

Mais divertida (e informativa) é a análise do MiniMSFT. Esticando o assunto (e tentando achar os ralos que drenam tanta grana), Mini transcreve algumas citações sobre projetos recentes da MS. Saca só:

Sobre o Vista/Berrante (de um ex-Microsoftie):

"Vista isn't neutered and delayed because of any lack of people. It is a mess because of middle management. [...] At least at the time I left (6 months ago), I saw very little evidence that the management of these failed projects was getting any kind of a slap on the wrist. The problem is that in an org that large with that my dependencies, it was impossible to tell which team was actually mismanaged, and which team just was dragged down by the other mismanaged teams."

Sobre o Visual Studio:

"What developer wants to waste time with this crap? It is embarrassing (for Microsoft) that I've had such better experiences with Sun's JDK and Eclipse. Sure, VS is faster, but what good is faster, when it doesn't work?"

Uma coisa é certa. A MS, seguindo o mesmo caminho de sua coleguinha Intel, distribuirá um número considerável de 'bilhetinhos azuis' (aka Cartas de Demissão). Eles deveriam começar por aquele cara que só sabe destruir cadeiras e fazer apresentações desastrosas.

update (15h25): Alguém lembrou que o memo ("Don't Panic!! uarrrr!!!!!") que o Ballmer enviou para seus funcionários é deveras parecido com aquele enviado pela Carly Fiorina poucos meses antes de sua 'partida' da HP. Que maldade...


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