John "Severino Cavalcanti" Dvorak é mesmo um showman. No pior sentido da palavra. Em uma de suas últimas colunas para a PCMagazine ele tá ensinando Bill Gates a matar o Linux. Numa frase só: Lançando o MS-Linux!!! kuakuakua...
Saca só a conclusão do artigo:
"The key to competitive success here is gaining dominant market share with a proprietary product. With Linux, Microsoft only needs that one driver element to be proprietary for the plan to succeed. When MS-Linux is announced, it will be as if Microsoft were doing the world a favor by "joining" the Linux community. Praise will be heaped on the company. Congratulations will flow. The end of Linux will be at hand."
Bom... pelo menos o cara é engraçado.
O Graffiti mudou!
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