
Graffiti \Graf*fi"ti\, s.m.
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O apophenia fez uma comparação de gigantes de TI com países. Saca só:

Microsoft is Germany. They did some pretty evil things a while back but you don't remember the details, you just know that you really hate them. Even though they're really no worse than any other large corporpation/country, you can't help but distrust them permanently because, well, you always have.

Yahoo is Japan. It had an economic crisis that almost destroyed it and it plays too nice with all of the other evil empires, supporting the most evil endeavors. It hasn't really innovated for a while, but it tries to improve on known products to support average people. It's currently trying to sell culture in the form of animated cutesy iconic images which you kinda like and kinda despise.

Google is the United States. It has never seen trouble on home turf. It is arrogant and loved by the elite. You know you're supposed to respect them for being better than everyone else, because they think they are, but you actually kinda resent them for being so rich and powerful. Yet, you really like their cool toys.

Aí, nos comentários lá no blog, tem gente falando que o Grokster é Cuba; Sun é a França e a SCO is kind of like North Korea... a small, insignificant country/company that is trying to extort its way to success.

Lógico, fiquei pensando aqui com meus botões qual empresa de TI representaria melhor nossa amada e mal-tratada Pindorama, o eterno gigante adormecido. Pensei naquele apêndice do BB (Cobra?), na Prológica, Digirede e S!D (lembram-se?). Mas não vale...
Hum, quem sabe PeopleSoft? Vendida na marra... Ou Oracle mesmo: gigante, grande exportadora mas não sai do lugar... hehe... Participa do G8 mas é tecnicamente (economicamente) quase-irrelevante...
Triste quase-país, quase-república.


Update: Pindorama tem jeitão de HP tb, não?

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