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Preferi abrir um novo post, pra não esticar muito aquele que 'comentou' o atraso do Vista. Um motivo só: as reações pra lá de raivosas de diversos funcionários 'anônimos' da MS. Saca só alguns comentários que pintaram no Mini-MS:

Primeiro, do próprio Mini:

"The good news? Well, we've got plenty of time to conjure up reasons why Vista is going to be better than XP in a way that anyone can understand and agree with. Plus $500 million to spend doing it. Oy. Oy. Oy."

Agora outros anônimos, anônimos mesmo:

"ballmer: fired!
allchin: fired!
valentine: fired!
jones: fired!
partners at windows division: fired!

windows does need a clean start. it's a no brainer at this point!
and if the company doesn’t have what it takes to send you out without a job, you should be seriously thinking about leaving your chair to smarter, more motivated people. we cannot ship our OS. this is not a joke. if we don't take some radical decisions, the company is over."

"Bill, get rid of the Windows mafia, or be ready to lose your good employees. This is just unacceptable. It can’t be happening. It can’t be real. This is not Microsoft. I need to see people getting fired. I have to see people being kicked out of the door. I don’t know where the motivation is going to come from, if some justice is not applied."

"The culture isn't accountable. Clamoring for a bunch of people getting fired is a waste of time. It’s OUR fault that this company is a disaster. You know who is responsible for our mess, US. It’s your fault. Take responsibility and stop being a bunch of front line victims. It’s pathetic.

Being a 10+ year vet I feel ashamed and sad. This company is a mess on so many levels."

"There has never been a better illustration of the Peter Principle than Steve Ballmer. If he hadn't been a buddy of Bill's, he wouldn't have even made it into management in any Fortune-500 company.

Microsoft is depriving some village of its idiot. Send him home."

"God, we look like DEC more and more every day."

"Yep, it's time for a shareholder revolt. Vista is the biggest software development failure of all time, outside of the federal government. IBM's office vision was the previous record holder, with $900M spent.

What's the cost of Vista to date? Five, six billion in direct costs, and maybe another hundred in opportunity costs?

MSFT shareholders need to start rolling some heads, starting with the monkey-boy."

"Dance monkey boy!"

ps: Toda vez que vejo o deprimente vídeo referenciado acima eu me pergunto: será descafeinado? O cara passaria no teste de seleção pra participar do BBB? Alguém na face da terra confiaria em um chefe assim!?!?! Hehe.. conheço um...

pv: Selecionei só comentários de, ao que tudo indica, FUNCIONÁRIOS. Há tempos o blog do Mini é um muro de lamentações de microservs desconsolados. Mas reparem que um vet(erano) com 10 anos de casa fala diferente: "a culpa é NOSSA. Somos uma BAGUNÇA". Imagina alguém falando isso abertamente, dentro de uma empresa. Mas a maioria está com o Mini. Ou seja: manda embora logo a MÁFIA. Começando pelo garoto-macaco, nosso querido Ballmer.


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