Hitch ensinou faz tempo: se, sem ninguém esperar, vc vai e explode uma bomba vc consegue alguns segundos de emoção - basicamente um "susto". Agora, se vc planta uma bomba debaixo de uma mesa, coloca um casal bonitinho lá, bebendo chá, e mostra pra platéia a bomba.. silenciosa.. Vc pode conseguir 30min de suspense!!
Parece que Schwartz (Sun) e Schmidt (Google) aprenderam direitinho. Desde a semana passada (tks Braga) especula-se sobre uma parceria entre as duas. Hoje a coisa tá pegando fogo. Na ZDNet, ComputerWeekly, Forbes, eWeek et web-afora.
Schwartz parece dar algumas dicas em seu blog. Engraçado: o título do post é "The Value in Volume". No link você pode ler: "The World Changes this Week"...
Wow.. espero que um compromisso no final da tarde não me faça perder o pronunciamento dos caras.
update #1:: Microsoft off on competition fears
Shares decline ahead of Google-Sun joint announcement
update #2:: Distribuir a Google Toolbar para quem fizer download da JVM (Java Virtual Machine) vai mudar o mundo? É produto de uma "parceria estratégica"? Tá todo mundo lôco, ooôba!! hehe.. que barulho o anúncio (que deve rolar oficialmente em 15min - são 15h15 agora) tá fazendo. Vamos lá, percepções do Dana Gardner surrupiadas da ZDNet:
Sun's strengths and Google's interests do align really well, on the back end and the client. The competitive landscape also suits Sun and Google pairing up where it makes sense, and it makes a lot of cents. What's good for Sun and Google is not so good for Microsoft, Intel, IBM, BEA, and HP. Yet it won't really upset the field of play for SAP, Oracle, and Salesforce.com-anche.
What's most important, however, is that the new, albeit nebulous, tightness between Sun and Google is ultimatley very good for enterprise IT budget mavens. It is no longer remote of feasibility nor far-off in time and space that low-cost, high-quality, high-reliability baseline workgroup productivity applications and voice and data communications together as subscription services become available. And just in time so that CFOs can do a thorough cost-benefit analysis against next year's Vista-Office 12 "connected systems" approach rollout.
So what do the vague announcements today about the Google-Sun deal-in-motion mean? Sun gets to showcase its present and future data center and services delivery platform grid efficiencies at the premier ISV: Google. Java Runtime Environment on the desktop gets a life-sustaining shot of vitamin B-12, while OpenOffice-StarOffice might well become the R&D replacement and speed-to-market turbo-charge that Google needs to leap out front in the race to redefine the client computing-as-service experience. Make that mission-critical experience.
Now, who needs to worry most about Sun and Google making happy-face? I say it's the voice and data networks providers, the Verizons, Sprints, SBCs, BTs, MCIs, BellSouths, and France Telecoms. Because if Sun+Google=Voice and Data Efficiencies as a service stream, aka Webtone, par excellence, on a global scale, then who are you gonna call when you need business services?
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