Nada tecnológico. Tô falando de estrutura organizacional mesmo. A entrevista que os dois novos bilionários, Sergey Brin e Larry Page, deram prá Playboy americana foi finalmente liberada (tava travada por causa do IPO). Algumas tiradas legais:
"We want a thin structure. It could be too thin. The downside is that people don't get the attention they need, especially the more junior people. But there's a trade-off. We're all more connected to one another, and more work gets done.
"Our structure allows us to have an unusually large number of small projects going on all the time. We have hundreds. There may be only three people on a project. On that scale, there's a lot of creativity and a lot of self-managing."
É fato que eles são muito rápidos, em todos os sentidos. Belo 'case' a ser estudado, sem dúvida.
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