
Graffiti \Graf*fi"ti\, s.m.
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Agora uma um pouco diferente daquela(s) do graffiare de hoje. Trata-se de um artigo da ZDNet, "MS presses the Stupid Buttom". É sobre aquela barbeiragem deles que comentei ontem. Saca só alguns trechinhos:

"When you’re the Evil Empire, it’s only natural to get a bad rap for everything you do. Microsoft gets bad-mouthed a hundred times a week (inclusive neste espaço que agora recebe sua honorável visita) for things that would be perfectly acceptable coming from anyone else. Given that level of criticism, it’s easy to ignore the times when they’re just completely, egregiously wrong."

"The uproar over Microsoft’s new Windows Genuine Advantage authentication software, which is now being pushed onto Windows users’ machines via Windows Update, is one of those occasions. Someone at Microsoft just pushed the Stupid button. And things aren’t going to get better until they stop pushing it."

Sugestões do Ed Bott:

"They [MS] should apologize, publicly and profusely, for mixing an anti-piracy tool in with security updates and take steps to make sure that it never happens again.

"And they should find whoever pushed the Stupid button in this case and put them on telephone support duty for the next six months. That might be an appropriate punishment."

Hehe.. Tem cara de idéia do Steve 'Jeannie é um Gênio' Ballmer, ou de um de seus gangsters. Manda todo mundo pro help-desk...


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