Ontem ele esteve no Clube da Luta. Não naquele doidão, reportado ontem, mas em um confronto com angustiados shareholders. Seguem dois trechos de sua explanação, acompanhada de uma breve análise psicanalítica (sic):
"We have to grow what I called our core. Core doesn't match segments. That kind of threw people off a little bit. But everybody in their heart and soul kind of knows what our core is. It has nothing to do with Windows and Office…. In our core, we've got a lot to do. Windows and Internet Explorer—Windows is a product thats got to be watered every—periodically. We've gone a bigger gap than I would like to go, Windows and IE. There's a lot of innovations still coming in Internet browsing, in hardware. There are so many things we need to do and if we don't keep Windows fresh, Windows will not continue to flourish. The same with our core Office product."
pv: perturbação e desorientação. Total falta de foco. Não consegue manter uma simples linha de raciocínio. Se contradiz, mostrando total falta de domínio sobre o(s) tema(s) em questão. Dá claros sinais de cansaço e stress agudo.
"CHARLES DI BONA: A couple of questions on the organization of the company. How are you looking at the organizational structure going forward, in particular a number of questions about how do you sort of avoid the big company problem of becoming sort of too diffuse, too defocused, and bureaucratic, both from a motivational point of view, but also from a results point of view?
STEVE BALLMER: That's a good question, and probably one that I spend more of my time on than anything. I made a comment about nurturing multiple forms of innovation, and that actually, in a sense, ties to this exactly. How do we give people enough autonomy, but get enough synergy? How do you make sure we have high enough quality people to actually run with and move and drive the businesses that we're getting in? I mean, I tell the guys literally, you've got to think about guys like Kevin Johnson, Robbie Bach, Jeff Raikes as CEOs. They've got to be able to be as good as the CEO of any one of their competitors. We're entering the unified communications business this year with Live Communications Server, with VOIP capabilities, the acquisition we did of a little Swiss company last summer, Media-streams. We've got to have people who are absolutely top-notch, first rate. We've got to be willing to incent those people, reward those people, motivate those people. And there are issues, you've got to work, and I'm probably part of the problem sometimes, part of the solution sometimes, but it's something that as long as you keep it on your radar screen, and think about it a lot, I think you can make progress. One thing, we are evolving. Twelve months ago, we would have talked to you about integrated innovation. Today, I think what we've talked to you about is innovate and integrate. That is, I think for example in our first Longhorn Vista conceptualization, we had too much technology, too new, trying to be integrated at one time. So, we're trying to get a little bit better balance in innovation, then integration, as opposed to integrating so much new stuff at one time, and that helps a lot with agility."
pv: Falou muito e não respondeu nada. Seus rodopios (a la Zinho-94) são um artifício primário para fugir da questão. Ou o quadro psicológico é ainda mais grave - o que pode configurar um tipo de esquizofrenia. Quando ele diz que "provavelmente, algumas vezes, é parte do problema", não deixa dúvidas do quanto está distante do mundo real.
- Internação imediata.
- Dispensa choque.
- 3 comprimidos de Lexotan por dia, após as refeições.
- 60 dias em São Tomé das Letras devem fazer bem.
- Depois, retiro no Maine.
Hehe, brincadeiras (de gosto duvidoso) à parte, o fato é que o Ballmer tá piorando. E sigo apostando que ele não passa da divulgação dos resultados do
quarter corrente. Tem gente na MS que faz a mesma aposta. Quem desenvolveu
este PPT, por exemplo:

Cadê o Ballmer? Eu sei, ele era o apresentador. Mas mostrar o 'board' sem sua presença parece mensagem subliminar... hehe. Tipo: "vão acostumando aí".
Outra curiosidade do slide: quem é o braço direito do BillU?
Ozzy, o terrível comedor de morcegos... e dá-lhe Hotmail!
Última (mas não menos importante):
"A very revealing moment in the talk came when Ballmer explained that only a quarter-billion dollars, or about 1/28th of Microsoft's annual R&D spending, is dedicated to pure research that might produce breakthrough technology: 'Of course we always have our research group, which I feel super good at. It costs us about $0.25 billion a year roughly and it is the best spent $0.25 billion in our budget perhaps.'"Há dois anos eu falo aqui que a MS gasta muito mal sua verba de P&D. Agora tá explicado. Digo, tá explicado pq não sai nada que presta daqueles laboratórios. Resta agora explicar o que eles andam fazendo com os outros 27/28 da verba...
(que é só de US$7bi)
Segura a cadeira Ballmer!